Ekompanysol Extra Calciboost
Ekompanysol Extra Calciboost is a fast acting fully water-soluble nitrogen and calcium fertilizer fortified with Ekompanychem’s propretiery Nutrient Uptake Booster (NUB) technology and micro nutrients. Calciboost is excellent for fertilization of agricultural and horticultural crops. Its excellent solubility and the special function of NUB will prevent the clogging of drip emitters and sprayer nozzles. Key benefits:
- Reduced precipitation of Calcium salts (which as insoluble such as Calcium Sulphate: Gypsum or Calcium Bicarbonates). Optimize nutrient availability to the crops and reduced nutrient losses.
- Reduced clogging/blockage in fertigation pipes/system due to formation of Calcium salts. Saving in long term in maintenance costs.
- More availability of Phophorus, Potassium, Calcium and Trace Elements in the soil and the solution.
- Metallic elements such as Zinc, Manganese and Copper are also chelated with NUB-PAA.
- NUB-PAA is non-toxic and Bio-Degradable.
Ekompanysol Extra Calciboost is suitable to be applied via fertigation, foliar and drenching method.